Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is a national network of volunteers who value French as an integral part of Canada. CPF is dedicated to the promotion, creation and support of effective French-Second-Language learning opportunities for youth in Canada. Canadian Parents for French – Saskatchewan (CPF-SK) is the provincial Branch of CPF.

CPF-SK is currently accepting applications for candidates to serve on its Board of Directors. If this is you, or someone you know, we would love to hear from you!

CPF-SK operates under a policy governance model and is accountable to its membership. Daily operations are delegated to the full-time position of an Executive Director. The mission, vision and values are upheld within this structure.

Board Director Expectations: Board Directors are required to attend three face-to-face meetings, if feasible (usually held in Saskatoon) as well as two other meetings, via phone/digital platform, per fiscal year. Additional meetings may be required for Board committee work.

Terms are held for two years, with the option of renewing a term three times, to a maximum of eight years.

Applicant Qualifications

  • All applicants must be current CPF members.

In an effort to better depict the diversity of CPF’s membership, the CPF-SK Board is seeking a diverse variety of candidates including, but not limited to, persons of minority, gender equality, and non-French-speaking, etc.

And, although not a requirement, applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria are encouraged to apply:


  • Under 30 years old;
  • French as a third or additional language in the household;
  • First Nations, Métis or Inuit; and/or,
  • French-speaking;

Skills/Experience (recommended, but not required)

  • CPF volunteer experience and/or knowledge at the chapter level;
  • Previous experience on a not-for-profit board;
  • Previous advocacy work (such as government relations/influencing);
  • Communications experience (such as public relations/sales/marketing/branding);
  • Willingness to learn more about CPF governance and oversight bylaws, policies and procedures;
  • Financial stewardship experience. Please see below for a detailed overview of the role of Treasurer on the Branch Board.

The Treasurer is a key member of the CPF-SK volunteer Board of Directors. While each of the Directors are responsible for the financial stewardship and oversight of CPF-SK as a part of their fiduciary duty, the role of Treasurer takes on some additional responsibilities on behalf of the other members. This position is appointed as an Executive role, from within the Board, and should have the following competencies:

  • Understand financial terminology and be able to review financial documents, such as budgets, comparative reports and draft annual audited financial statements;
  • Know how to present financial reports, with support from the Executive Director or staff, to the other Directors or the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM);
  • Able to identify potential or actual financial issues and bring them to the attention of the Board; and,
  • Have a professional financial background or accounting designation (preferred, but not required).

Note: All Directors are either ratified or voted in by our membership as Directors-at-Large during the upcoming Branch AGM. Positions can be filled at any time throughout the year – these are ratified by the membership at an AGM. Executive positions are assigned within the Board, immediately following the AGM, at the Incoming Board meeting.

Candidates are encouraged to submit their interest, accompanied by a short letter of introduction explaining how the above criteria have been met, by Monday, September 30, 2024 to the following people:

Janet Loseth, President:
Jaclyn Reaves Jacobson, Vice-President:

Thank-you for your interest in CPF-SK. We look forward to hearing from you soon!