It takes a village to raise a child. We need your help!

CPF’s donors play a critical role in the work that we do.  

With their generous support we are able to focus on: 

  • offering more French learning opportunities to young people;
  • advocating on behalf of universal access to FSL education in communities across Saskatchewan; and
  • supporting linguistic duality by making English and French integral parts of daily life.

To continue with this important work, we need your help!


CPF Saskatchewan will provide a tax receipt for any donation over $20.00. Receipts will be sent in January of the follow year. CPF Saskatchewan Charitable Reg No. 10686 5231 RR0001

We need YOU!

As a non-profit organization, we can’t do what we do without your support.


Become a Member - It's FREE

Join our network and get FSL resources, support, and insider-info only available to members.


We’re always looking for new volunteers who are ready to help young people learn and use French.


When you give, you make a positive impact on the lives of Canadian youth.