French-Second-Language Champion of the Year Award

Nomination Deadline: February 28, 2023

Prior to the pandemic, Canadian Parents for French – Saskatchewan (CPF-SK) changed the parameters of the Inspiring Teacher of the Year Award to be able to include anyone who works in or with French-Second-Language Programs.

The French-Second-Language Champion of the Year Award may now be presented, in recognition of exceptional work being done, to any staff member at the school or school division level.

The person nominated must be a positive advocate for and contributor to the French-Second-Language learning environment, in their school and school division community. They must also inspire students of all abilities and backgrounds to learn French. Special consideration will be given to nominees who promote participation in Canadian Parents for French activities.


  • Nominations may be made by students or adults. Canadian Parents for French chapter representatives are encouraged to promote this Award in their respective community.
  • The Nomination Form must be completed with the name and address of the candidate and detailed reasons for the nomination. Additional supporting information may be included.
  • The Nomination Form must be received at the CPF-SK Office on or before February 28, 2023.
  • The Award recipient will be selected by the CPF-SK Board of Directors and will be contacted when the decision is made.
  • The Award recipient will receive a certificate and gift, as well as a three-year membership paid for by CPF-SK
  • The Nomination Form must be signed by the nominator and the Principal or Vice-Principal/Director of Education or Superintendent, whichever is applicable to the nominee’s role.

FSL Champion of the Year Award Nomination Form 2022-2023