Saskatoon, May 16, 2022 – Forty-three students from Saskatchewan participated in the Concours d’art oratoire Traditional Virtual Provincial Finals hosted by Canadian Parents for French – Saskatchewan.

The judges remarked, “They all did so well. They all have skills that will serve them well in their adult life. All should be proud of their achievement. ”

The winners, including their speech titles, in each category were as follows:

Grade 9 French Immersion

1st: Dylan Cruise-Elsner, Miller Comprehensive High School, Regina – Les femmes et les filles Indigènes disparues et assassinées

2nd: Lily Musleh, Campbell Collegiate, Regina – La Confiance

3rd: Ian Ouellette, Bethlehem Catholic High School, Saskatoon – Les souliers: intéressants et puants

Grade 10 French Immersion

1st: Nyshane Clark, Thom Collegiate, Regina – Les Pays du Tiers-Monde et la Progression Mondiale

2nd: Kathir Hector, St. Joseph High School, Saskatoon – Donnez une chance à la paix

3rd: Obii Udemgba, Walter Murray Collegiate, Saskatoon – L’impacte du Coronavirus sur les familles à faible revenu

Grade 9/10 Enriched Core French

1st: Eva Markatos, Luther College High School, Regina – L’immoralité de la mode éphémère

2nd: Oluwatamilore Onasanya, Luther College High School, Regina – Les Femmes Dans Les Sports

3rd: Anjolaoluwa Otukoya, Luther College High School, Regina – Les relations Para-sociaux

Grade 9/10 Enriched French Immersion

1st: Félicia Beauregard-Labelle, Luther College High School, Regina – “Un déménagement qui a changé ma vie”

2nd: Sophie Church, Thom Collegiate, Regina – Pourquoi les Gerbilles Sont les Animaux de Compagnie Parfaite

3rd: Anneka McLaren, Thom Collegiate, Regina – Les injustices dans le système de discipline judiciaire

Grade 11/12 French Immersion

1st: Ozayr Raazi, Walter Murray Collegiate, Saskatoon – L’évolution de l’Internet

2nd: Grace Wiebe, Walter Murray Collegiate, Saskatoon – La dure réalité du salaire de base

3rd: Manvi Ghai, Centennial Collegiate, Saskatoon – L’argent, le mal nécessaire

Grade 11/12 Core French

1st: Anderson Price, Luther College High School, Regina – Le Pilotage

2nd: Greg Burden, Luther College High School, Regina – Conflit avec mon ami

Grade 11/12 Enriched Core French

1st: Charlie Paige Loder McNeil, Luther College High School, Regina – Les Facteurs Inconnus d’un Chef-D’œuvre

2nd: Caitlyn Le, Luther College High School, Regina – Les Effets de ‘Me Too’ et le Média Sociaux sur le Harcèlement Sexuel

Grade 11/12 Enriched French Immersion

1st: Lexie Tondevold, Thom Collegiate, Regina – Pourquoi nos vies ont-elles besoin d’une musique de fond

2nd: Faiha Rahman, Centennial Collegiate, Saskatoon – Les impactes sociaux de la pandémie

3rd: Hannah Rugg, Thom Collegiate, Regina – Les dangers de fausses nouvelles

Moving Forward to the Concours d’art oratoire Traditional Virtual National Final

The following students will have the opportunity to represent Saskatchewan at the Concours d’art oratoire Traditional Virtual National Final: Ozayr Raazi (Grade 11/12 French Immersion), Grace Wiebe (Grade 11/12 French Immersion), Manvi Ghai (Grade 11/12 French Immersion), Anderson Price (Grade 11/12 Core French), Greg Burden (Grade 11/12 Core French), Charlie Paige Loder McNeil (Grade 11/12 Enriched Core French), Caitlyn Le (Grade 11/12 Enriched Core French), Lexie Tondevold (Grade 11/12 Enriched French Immersion), Faiha Rahman (Grade 11/12 Enriched French Immersion), and Hannah Rugg (Grade 11/12 Enriched French Immersion).

Congratulations to all students from kindergarten to 12, teachers, principals, consultants, and school boards for the enormous support and work they demonstrated in organizing and promoting the Traditional Concours d’art oratoire at all levels. This program has been a tremendous success given the challenges the pandemic has placed on schools. Merci beaucoup!


Canadian Parents for French is a nationwide, research-informed, volunteer organization that champions the opportunity to learn and use French for all those who call Canada home.


For more information, please contact:      

Brooklyn Barré, Admin & Communications Officer, Canadian Parents for French – Saskatchewan

Phone: 306.244.6151 Email: