Over the summer, we will be posting Fête du soleil wrap-ups to showcase the hard work of the chapters, the volunteers, and the communities hosting Fête du soleil this year.

Our first wrap-up comes from the Wawota chapter that hosted Fête du soleil from July 12-14 at Kenosee Lake.

We would like to extend aIMG_3734 huge thanks to the Wawota chapter, and all the volunteers who helped to make this year’s Wawota Fête du soleil an enormous success.

This three day camp was jam packed! There was a presentation from a bilingual RCMP officer, as well as an excursion to Moose Mountain Provincial Park, where the campers were able to learn about the plants and animals in the park. Both the presentation and the excursion were extremely popular with the children. For the remaining time, the monitors continued to show the children that learning French is fun and that it can be taught through themes with fun vocabulary and pictures, crafts, gamIMG_3777es, and activities.





Here is what the Wawota chapter had to say about hosting Fête du soleil:

Q: What makes Fête du soleil unique in Wawota?

A: Being an English-speaking community it is nice to bring in something different and challenging for the children to be engaged with.  

Q: Why is it important for Wawota to host Fête du Soleil?

A: It is nice to bring in people from outside the community to share their knoIMG_3779wledge and love of French with participants.  

Q: What does it mean for your community to have a Canadian Parents for French chapter?

A: It means we can continue to show appreciation for both of our national languages despite the loss of French-language-education in our rural schools. It means that as a community we can come together and continue to share in French culture and highlight the value of being bilingual in Canada.

Q: What do you hope the children take away from their three days at camp?

A: We hope that the children take an interest in learning a second language and that they go away from the camp with the confidence to know they can.

Next up will be a wrap-uIMG_3756p from Prince Albert.